
The CounterModeler class indicates that a code block will contain countermodel construction exercises.

Simple Countermodels

You can create simple countermodel problems, checking to see if one or more formulas are true in a constructed model like this:

```{.CounterModeler .Simple}
1.1 AxF(x), ExG(x)

The result will be:


Here is an example with some more interesting vocabulary:

```{.CounterModeler .Simple}
1.2 AxAy(f(x,y) = f(y,x))



The domain of the model must consist of one or more natural numbers. The tuples making up the extensions of predicate and relation symbols are comma-separated and enclosed in brackets, parentheses, or <> pairs, like this: [0,0] or this <1,1>. The tuples themselves should be separated by commas, like this: [0,0],[1,0].

The extension of each constant must be a natural number. The extension of a given function symbol will be a comma-separated list of tuples as above but with the arguments separated from the value by a semicolon, thus: [0,0;1].

Formulas containing free variables are treated as equivalent to their universal closures.

Validity Countermodels

You can create a countermodel problem for showing invalidity like this:

```{.CounterModeler .Validity}
1.3 AxEyF(x,y) :|-: ExAyF(y,x)



Validity countermodel problems can include comma-separated lists of formulas to both the left and right of the turnstile. A countermodel is successful if it makes all the formulas to the left of the turnstile true and all the formulas to the right of the turnstile false.

Constraint Countermodels

You can create a countermodel with some implicit constraints on the allowable models like this:

```{.CounterModeler .Constraint }
1.4 ExEy(not x = y) : AxAyF(x,y)

Resulting in:


A countermodel with implicit constraints is successful if it makes all the formulas to the right and the left of the : true.

Advanced Usage


In addition to setting a custom point value or turning off submission by adding points=VALUE and submission="none", several other options are available for countermodels:

Name Effect
nocheck Disables the "check" button
exam Allows for submission of work which is incomplete or incorrect
strictGivens Makes givens immutable (see below)
double-turnstile Displays a double turnstile (like so ⊨) rather than the single turnstile
negated-double-turnstile Displays a negated double turnstile (like so ⊭) rather than the single turnstile


There are also a number of options that affect what counts as a successful countermodel. these are set using the counterexample-to attribute. The options are:

Name Counterexample is
validity a situation in which all formulas are false
tautology Same as validity
equivalence a situation in which two formulas have different truth values
inconsistency a situation in which all formulas are true

In the case of simple countermodels, these apply to all formulas. In the case of validity countermodels, a successful countermodel is a situation in which the formulas to the left of the turnstile are all true, and the ones to the right of the turnstile have the counterexample property. Similarly in the case of a constraint countermodel problem---all the constraints must be true, and the other formulas must have the counterexample property.


The way that formulas are parsed and displayed can also be customized. This is done by setting the system attribute to indicate which formal system you are drawing your syntax from. So for example,

~~~{.CounterModeler .Simple  system="LogicBookPD"}
1.5 (Ax)(Ax->Bx)

will generate:


The available systems are firstOrder montagueQC magnusQL thomasBolducAndZachFOL thomasBolducAndZachFOL2019 thomasBolducAndZachFOLPlus LogicBookPD LogicBookPDPlus hausmanPL howardSnyderPL ichikawaJenkinsQL hardegreePL goldfarbAltND goldfarbNDPlus and goldfarbAltNDPlus.


It is also possible to give a "partial solution" to a countermodeling problem, in which the model is partly filled in, and the student needs either to complete it or correct it. To pre-populate models with "givens" in this way, write each field you want filled in, preceded by the bar character | and followed by a colon and what you want it filled in with, like this:

```{.CounterModeler .Simple}
1.1 AxF(x), ExG(x)
| Domain : 0,1,2
| F(_) : 1,2
| a : 1

Which will produce:

Domain : 0,1,2 F(_) : 1,2 a : 1

The field-names for the givens should match how the field-names would be displayed in the exercise.

Ordinarily, givens function as hints. However, you can make it impossible for students to change them (thereby turning them into requirements) by adding the strictGivens option to your problem. Use this, for instance, to require students to use a specific domain, or to prevent them from making universal sentences vacuously true.