Systems supported by Carnap

Carnap supports multiple "systems", i.e., languages with different symbols and syntax conventions, in the various types of exercises. For derivation exercises, a system implies a derivation system (set of rules, and derivation style). For truth table, translation, and counter-modeler exercises, the system implies a parser and a formula renderer, i.e., it implies which formulas are accepted as correct, how to parse them, and how to render formulas when they are displayed by Carnap.

All sentence letters, predicate symbols, constants, and function symbols (if allowed) take subscripts (e.g., P_1 for P1). Predicate and function symbols also take superscripts (e.g., P^1 for P2) to indicate arity. The parser does not enforce the arity, i.e., the arity is always determined by the number of arguments actually given.

The systems supported are:

Bergmann, Moore & Nelson, The Logic Book

Sentential logic

For the corresponding proof systems, see here.

  • Selected with system="...": LogicBookSD LogicBookSDPlus
  • Sentence letters:A...Z
  • Brackets allowed (, )
  • Associative , : left
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
->, =>,>
& /\, &, and
\/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>
~ -, ~, not


`A /\ B /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ (S <-> T)))`{system="LogicBookSD"}

produces A /\ B /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ (S <-> T))).

Predicate logic

  • Selected with system="...": LogicBookPD
  • Sentence letters: A ... Z
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... v
  • Function symbols: no
  • Variables: w...z
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Identity: no
  • Quantifiers: (∀x), (∃x)


Connective Keyboard


`(Ax)(Gabx -> (Ew)(Hxw /\ P))`{system="LogicBookPD"}

produces (Ax)(Gabx -> (Ew)(Hx /\ P))

Predicate logic with equality

  • Selected with system="...": LogicBookPDE
  • Function symbols: a...t
  • Variables: w...z
Connective Keyboard
= =


`(Ax)(Gabx -> (Ew)(Hxw /\ P /\ ~f(x)=w))`{system="LogicBookPDE"}

produces (Ax)(Gabx -> (Ew)(Hxw /\ P /\ ~f(x)=w))

Bonevac, Deduction

Sentential logic

  • Selected with system="...": bonevacSL
  • Sentence letters: a...z
  • Brackets allowed (, )
  • Associative , : no
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
->, =>, >
& /\, &, and
\/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>
¬ -, ~, not


`(a & b) & (c_1 -> (~r_2 \/ (s <-> t)))`{system="bonevacSL"}

produces (a /\ b) /\ (c_1 -> (~r_2 \/ (s <-> t))).

Quantificational logic

  • Selected with system="...": bonevacQL
  • Sentence letters: none
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... w
  • Function symbols: none
  • Variables: x...z
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Identity: =
  • Quantifiers: x, x


Connective Keyboard
= =


`Ax(Gabx -> Ey(Hxy & Pa & ~x=v))`{system="bonevacQL"}

produces Ax(Gabx -> Ey(Hxy & Pa & ~x=v))

Gallow, forall x: Pittsburgh

For the corresponding proof systems, see here.

Sentential logic

  • Selected with system="...": gallowSL
  • Sentence letters: A...Z
  • Brackets allowed (, ), [, ]
  • Associative , : left
Connective Keyboard
->, =>, >
/\, &, and
\/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>
¬ -, ~, not
!?, _|_


`A /\ B /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [S <-> T]))`{system="gallowSL"}

produces A /\ B /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [_|_ <-> T])).

First-order logic

  • Selected with system="...": gallowPL
  • Sentence letters: A .... Z
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... v
  • Function symbols: none
  • Variables: w...z
  • Identity: no
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Quantifiers: x, x


Connective Keyboard


`Ax(Gabx -> Ew((Hxw /\ P) /\ Qs))`{system="gallowPL"}

produces Ax(Gabx -> Ew((Hxw /\ P) /\ Qs))

Gamut, Logic, Language, and Meaning

Propositional logic

  • Selected with system="...": gamutIPND gamutPND gamutPNDPlus
  • Sentence letters: a...z
  • Brackets allowed (, )
  • Associative , : no
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
->, =>, >
/\, &, and
\/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>
¬ -, ~, not
!?, _|_


`(a /\ b) /\ (c_1 -> (~r_2 \/ (_|_ <-> t)))`{system="gamutIPND"}

produces (a /\ b) /\ (c_1 -> (~r_2 \/ (_|_ <-> t))).

Predicate logic

  • Selected with system="...": gamutND
  • Sentence letters: none
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... r
  • Function symbols: none
  • Variables: s...z
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Identity: =
  • Quantifiers: x, x


Connective Keyboard
= =


`Ax(Gabx -> Ew(Hxw /\ (_|_ \/ ~x=w)))`{system="gamutND"}

produces Ax(Gabx -> Ew(Hxw /\ (_|_ \/ ~x=w)))

Goldfarb, Deductive Logic

Propositional logic

  • Selected with system="...": goldfarbPropND
  • Sentence letters: a...z
  • Brackets allowed (, )
  • Associative , : no
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
>, ->, ,
., ,
\/, |, or
<->, <=>, <>
- -, ~, not
!?, _|_


`(a /\ b) /\ (c_1 -> (~r_2 \/ (_|_ <-> t)))`{system="goldfarbPropND"}

produces (a /\ b) /\ (c_1 -> (~r_2 \/ (_|_ <-> t))).

Predicate logic

  • Selected with system="...": goldfarbND
  • Sentence letters: none
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: none
  • Function symbols: none
  • Variables: a ... z
  • Atomic formulas: Fxy
  • Identity: no
  • Quantifiers: (∀x), (∃x)


Connective Keyboard


`(Ax)(Gabx -> (Ew)(Hxw /\ P))`{system="goldfarbND"}

produces Ax(Gax -> Ew(Hxw /\ Pw))

Hardegree, Symbolic Logic

Sentential logic

  • Selected with system="...": hardegreeSL
  • Sentence letters: A ... Z
  • Brackets allowed (, )
  • Associative , : left
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
->, =>,>
& /\, &, and
\/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>
~ -, ~, not
!?, _|_


`A & G & (R_1 -> (~R_2 \/ (_|_ <-> T)))`{system="hardegreeSL"}

produces A & G & (R_1 -> (~R_2 \/ (_|_ <-> T))).

Predicate logic

  • Selected with system="...": hardegreePL
  • Sentence letters: none
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... s
  • Function symbols: none
  • Variables: t...z
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Identity: no
  • Quantifiers: x, x


Connective Keyboard


`Ax(Gabx -> Ev(Hxe & Ov & _|_))`{system="hardegreePL"}

produces Ax(Gabx -> Ev(Hxe & Ov & _|_))

Hausman, Kahane & Tidman, Logic and Philosophy

Sentential logic

  • Selected with system="...": hausmanSL
  • Sentence letters: A...Z
  • Brackets allowed [, ], (, ), {, }, (only in that order)
  • Associative , : no
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
, ,>
., ,
\/, |, or
<->, <=>, <>
~ -, ~, not


`[A . B] . [C_1 > (~R_2 \/ {S <> T})]`{system="hausmanSL"}

produces [A . B] . [C_1 > (~R_2 \/ {S <> T})].

Predicate logic

  • Selected with system="...": hausmanPL
  • Sentence letters: A ... Z
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... t
  • Function symbols: no
  • Variables: u...z
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Identity: =
  • Quantifiers: (x), (∃x)


Connective Keyboard
= =


`(x)[Gabx > (Eu)(Hxu . {P \/ ~x=u})]`{system="hausmanPL"}

produces (x)[Gabx > (Eu)(Hxu . {P \/ ~x=u})]

Howard-Snyder, Howard-Snyder & Wasserman, The Power of Logic

Sentential logic

  • Selected with system="...": howardSnyderSL
  • Sentence letters: A...Z
  • With subscripts: ?
  • Brackets allowed (, ), [, ], {, }
  • Associative , : no
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
->, =>,>
., ,
\/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>, <>
~ -, ~, not


`(A . B) . [C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ {S <-> T})]`{system="howardSnyderSL"}

produces (A . B) . [C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ {S <-> T})].

Predicate logic

  • Selected with system="...": howardSnyderPL
  • Sentence letters: A ... Z
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... u
  • Function symbols: no
  • Variables: v...z
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Identity: =
  • Quantifiers: (x), (∃x)


Connective Keyboard
= =


`(x)[Gabx -> (Ev)(Hxv . (P \/ ~x=v))]`{system="howardSnyderPL"}

produces (x)[Gabx -> (Ev)(Hxv . (P \/ ~x=v))]

Hurley, Concise Introduction to Logic

Sentential logic

  • Selected with system="...": hurleySL
  • Sentence letters: A...Z
  • With subscripts: ?
  • Brackets allowed (, ), [, ], {, }
  • Associative , : no
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
, ,>
., ,
\/, |, or
<->, <=>, <>
~ -, ~, not


`(A . B) . [C_1 > (~R_2 \/ {S <-> T})]`{system="hurleySL"}

produces (A . B) . [C_1 > (~R_2 \/ {S <-> T})].

Predicate logic

  • Selected with system="...": hurleyPL
  • Sentence letters: A ... Z
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... w
  • Function symbols: no
  • Variables: x...z
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Identity: =
  • Quantifiers: (x), (∃x)


Connective Keyboard
= =


`(x)[Gabx > (Ey)(Hxy . {P \/ ~x=y})]`{system="hurleyPL"}

produces (x)[Gabx > (Ey)(Hxy . {P \/ ~x=y})]

Ichikawa-Jenkins, forall x: UBC

Sentential logic

  • Selected with system="...": ichikawaJenkinsSL
  • Sentence letters: A...Z
  • Brackets allowed (, ), [, ]
  • Associative , : yes
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
->, =>,>
& /\, &, and
\/, |, or
<->, <=>
¬ -, ~, not


`A /\ B /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [S <-> T]))`{system="ichikawaJenkinsSL"}

produces A /\ B /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [S <-> T])).

Quantificational logic

  • Selected with system="...": ichikawaJenkinsQL
  • Sentence letters: none
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... w
  • Function symbols: none
  • Variables: x...z
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Identity: =
  • Quantifiers: x, x


Connective Keyboard
= =


`Ax(Gabx -> Ey(Hxy /\ Pa /\ ~x=y))`{system="ichikawaJenkinsQL"}

produces Ax(Gabx -> Ey(Hxy /\ (Pa /\ ~x=y)))

Johnson, forall x: Mississippi State

For the corresponding proof systems, see here.

  • Selected with system="...": johnsonSL
  • Sentence letters: A...Z
  • Brackets allowed (, ), [, ]
  • Associative , : yes
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
->, =>,>
& /\, &, and
v, \/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>
¬ -, ~, not


`A & B & (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [S <-> T]))`{system="johnsonSL"}

produces A & B & (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [S <-> T])).

Leach-Krouse, The Carnap Book

Kalish & Montague, Logic

For the corresponding proof systems, see here.

Propositional logic

  • Selected with system="...": prop, montagueSC
  • Sentence letters: P ... W
  • Brackets allowed (, )
  • Associative , : left
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
->, =>,>
/\, &, and
\/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>
¬ -, ~, not


`P /\ Q /\ (R_1 -> (~R_2 \/ (S <-> T)))`{system="prop"}

produces P /\ Q /\ (R_1 -> (~R_2 \/ (S <-> T))).

First-order logic

  • Selected with system="...": firstOrder, montagueQC
  • Sentence letters: P ... W
  • Predicate symbols: F ...O
  • Constant symbols: a ... e
  • Function symbols: f ... h
  • Variables: v...z
  • Atomic formulas: F(a,x)
  • Identity: =
  • Quantifiers: x, x


Connective Keyboard
= =


`Ax(G(a,f(b),x) -> Ev(H(x,v) /\ P /\ ~(x=v)))`{system="firstOrder"}

produces Ax(G(a,f(b),x) -> Ev(H(x,v) /\ P /\ ~(x=v)))

Monadic second-order logic

  • Selected with system="...": secondOrder
  • Second-order variables: X ... Z


Connective Keyboard
λ \



`AX(\x[Ey(F(y) /\ X(x))](a))`{system="secondOrder"}

produces AX(\x[Ey(F(y) /\ X(x))](a))

Polyadic second-order logic

  • Selected with system="...": polyadicSecondOrder
  • Second-order variables: Xn ... Zn
  • Arity: given by n


`AX2(\x[Ay(F(y) -> X2(x,y))](a))`{system="polyadicSecondOrder"}

produces AX2(\x[Ay(F(y) -> X2(x,y))](a))

Magnus, forall x

Sentential logic

  • Selected with system="...": magnusSL magnusSLPlus
  • Sentence letters: A...Z
  • Brackets allowed (, ), [, ]
  • Associative , : yes
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
->, =>,>
& /\, &, and
\/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>
¬ -, ~, not


`A & B & (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [S <-> T]))`{system="magnusSL"}

produces A & B & (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [S <-> T])).

Quantificational logic

  • Selected with system="...": magnusQL
  • Sentence letters: none
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... w
  • Function symbols: none
  • Variables: x...z
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Identity: =
  • Quantifiers: x, x


Connective Keyboard
= =


`Ax(Gabx -> Ey(Hxy & Pa & ~x=v))`{system="magnusQL"}

produces Ax(Gabx -> Ey(Hxy & Pa & ~x=v))

Open Logic Project

Plain propositional and first-order logic uses the same syntax as the TFL and FOL systems of forall x: Calgary, 2019+ version (see below. The parser for openLogicNK and openLogicLK is synonymous with thomasBolducAndZachTFL2019; and openLogicFOLNK and openLogicFOLLK with thomasBolducAndZachFOL2019.

Two OLP proof systems are supported: sequent calculus and natural deduction.

In addition, there are special systems supporting the language of arithmetic and the language of set theory.


  • Selected with system="...": openLogicArithNK
  • Predicate symbols: < (two-place, infix)
  • Constant symbols: a ... r, 0
  • Function symbols: ' (one-place, postfix), +, * (two-place, infix)
  • Variables: s...z
  • Identity: =,
Symbol Keyboard
× *


`AxAy x * y' = (x * y) + y /\ Ax(0!=x -> 0<x)`{system="openLogicArithNK"}

produces AxAy x * y' = (x * y) + y /\ Ax(0!=x -> 0<x)

Extended Arithmetic

  • Selected with system="...": openLogicExArithNK
  • Predicate symbols: strings beginning with uppercase letter, < (two-place, infix)
  • Constant symbols: strings beginning with lowercase letter, 0
  • Function symbols: strings beginning with lowercase letter, ' (one-place, postfix), +, * (two-place, infix)
  • Variables: s...z
  • Identity: =,
Symbol Keyboard
× *


`Q_1(0,0') /\ Ax(0<x -> Sq_a(0,x))`{system="openLogicExArithNK"}

produces Q_1(0,0') /\ Ax(0<x -> Sq_a(0,x))

Set theory

  • Selected with system="...": openLogicSTNK
  • Predicate symbols: (two-place, infix)
  • Constant symbols: a ... r
  • Variables: s...z
  • Identity: =,

The system openLogicExSTNK is like the above but adds arbitrary string predicates and function symbols:

  • Selected with system="...": openLogicExESTNK
  • Predicate symbols: strings beginning with uppercase letter
  • Constant symbols: strings beginning with lowercase letter
  • Function symbols: strings beginning with lowercase letter
Symbol Keyboard
<<, <e


`Ex(Ay ~y<<x /\ Az(z!=x -> Eu u<<z))`{system="openLogicSTNK"}

produces Ex(Ay ~y<<x /\ Az(z!=x -> Eu u<<z))

Extended set theory

  • Selected with system="...": openLogicESTNK, openLogicExESTNK
  • Predicate symbols: , (two-place, infix)
  • Constant symbols: , a ... r
  • Function symbols: , , /, Pow (two-place, infix)
  • Variables: s...z
  • Identity: =,

The system openLogicExESTNK is like the above but adds arbitrary string predicates and function symbols:

  • Selected with system="...": openLogicExESTNK
  • Predicate symbols: strings beginning with uppercase letter
  • Constant symbols: strings beginning with lowercase letter
  • Function symbols: strings beginning with lowercase letter
Symbol Keyboard
{}, empty
<<, <e, in
<(, <s, within, sub
U, cup
I, cap
/ \
Pow P


`Ex(Ay ~y<<x /\ Az(z!={} -> Eu u <( P(z)))`{system="openLogicESTNK"}

produces Ex(Ay ~y<<x /\ Az(z!={} -> Eu u <( P(z)))

Thomas-Bolduc & Zach, forall x: Calgary

For the corresponding proof systems, see here.

Fall 2019 and after

The 2019 systems refer to the syntax used in forall x: Carnap, Fall 2019 and after. The TFL system allows leaving out extra parentheses in conjunctions and disjunctions of more than 2 sentences. The pre-2019 systems do not, so can be used if stricter parenthesis rules are desired.

The major change is in the syntax of the FOL systems, which wrap arguments in parentheses. This allows support of function symbols and terms. The FOL2019 system also allows entering negated identities as x != y. This is not done in forall x: Calgary, but is the convention in the Open Logic Project.

Truth-functional logic

  • Selected with system="...": thomasBolducAndZachTFL2019
  • Sentence letters: A...Z
  • Brackets allowed (, ), [, ]
  • Associative , : left
Connective Keyboard
->, =>, >
/\, &, and
\/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>
¬ -, ~, not
!?, _|_


`A /\ B /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [S <-> T]))`{system="thomasBolducAndZachTFL2019"}

produces A /\ B /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [_|_ <-> T])).

First-order logic

  • Selected with system="...": thomasBolducAndZachFOL2019, thomasBolducAndZachFOLPlus2019
  • Sentence letters: A .... Z
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... r
  • Function symbols: a...t
  • Variables: s...z
  • Atomic formulas: F(a,x)
  • Identity: =,
  • Quantifiers: x, x


Connective Keyboard
= =


`Ax(G(a,f(b),x) -> Es(H(x,s) /\ P /\ x!=s))`{system="thomasBolducAndZachFOL2019"}

produces Ax(G(a,f(b),x) -> Es(H(x,s) /\ P /\ x!=s))

pre-Fall 2019

These syntax conventions were in force before the Fall 2019 edition of forall x: Calgary. They are still useful: (a) They coincide with the syntax conventions of Tim Button's forall x: Cambridge and the text by Sean Ebbels-Duggan. (b) The TFL system requires all parentheses be included and displays with all parentheses. So it can be used in exercises that require TFL sentences be entered or displayed without bracketing conventions.

Truth-functional logic

  • Selected with system="...": thomasBolducAndZachTFL, ebelsDugganTFL
  • Sentence letters: A...Z
  • Brackets allowed (, ), [, ]
  • Associative , : no
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
->, =>, >
/\, &, and
\/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>
¬ -, ~, not
!?, _|_


`(A /\ B) /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [_|_ <-> T]))`{system="thomasBolducAndZachTFL"}

produces (A /\ B) /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [_|_ <-> T])).


`(A /\ B) /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [_|_ <-> T]))`{system="ebelsDugganTFL"}

produces (A /\ B) /\ (C_1 -> (~R_2 \/ [_|_ <-> T])).

First-order logic

  • Selected with system="...": thomasBolducAndZachFOL
  • Sentence letters: A .... Z
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... r
  • Function symbols: none
  • Variables: s...z
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Identity: =
  • Quantifiers: x, x


Connective Keyboard
= =


`Ax(Gabx -> Es(Hxs /\ P /\ ~x=s))`{system="thomasBolducAndZachFOL"}

produces Ax(Gabx -> Es(Hxs /\ (P \/ ~x=s)))

Tomassi, Logic

Propositional logic

  • Selected with system="...": tomassiPL
  • Sentence letters: P ... W
  • Brackets allowed (, )
  • Associative , : left
  • Connectives:
Connective Keyboard
->, =>,>
& /\, &, and
\/, |, or
↔︎ <->, <=>
~ -, ~, not


`P /\ Q /\ (R_1 -> (~R_2 \/ (S <-> T)))`{system="tomassiPL"}

produces P /\ Q /\ (R_1 -> (~R_2 \/ (S <-> T))).

Predicate logic

  • Selected with system="...": tomassiQL
  • Sentence letters: none
  • Predicate symbols: A ...Z
  • Constant symbols: a ... t
  • Function symbols: none
  • Variables: u...z
  • Atomic formulas: Fax
  • Identity: =
  • Quantifiers: x, x


Connective Keyboard
= =


`Ax[Gabx -> Ev(Hxv /\ Pr /\ ~(x=v))]`{system="tomassiQL"}

produces Ax[Gabx -> Ev(Hxv /\ Pr /\ ~(x=v))]


The available set theory systems are: elementarySetTheory and separativeSetTheory. The available propositional modal logic systems are: hardegreeL hardegreeK hardegreeT hardegreeB hardegreeD hardegree4 and hardegree5. The available predicate modal logic system is hardegreeMPL, and the available "world theory" system is hardegreeWTL.